Mängumehed (2)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Kristjan Nedo -3F232322334-324
1Renee Taaber -3F233323233-324
Kobela special 2023 (6)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Johannes Uibos 0F233432343027
1Markus Lõssov 0F444323232027
3Jürgen Jürgenson +1F343422343+128
3Sander Jürgenson +1F344433232+128
5Taavi Viljaste +2F334333334+229
6Leana Tiks +3F434433333+330

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The result was updated on: 2023-04-29 15:20:11. Free is used

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