TASOITETTU SARJA 0€ (14)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Toni Sipola -1F333433353-130
1Anssi Mäkelä -1F233443443-130
3Matti Sivonen 0F224533543031
4Henrik Kosamo +2F334533543+233
5Jaakko Luoto +5F233653554+536
6Sauli Sumen +6F334553464+637
7Eetu-Kalle Harju +7F244555544+738
7Aleksi Kallioinen +7F333873443+738
9Jaakko Alajuuma +8F244754454+839
10Sasu Myrskog +9F245555563+940
10Jarkko Tervonen +9F334565545+940
10Ossi Koivikko +9F335744653+940
13Juha Marsch +10F344564555+1041
13Sauli Isola +10F236664644+1041

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The result was updated on: 2023-08-03 20:53:39. Free is used

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