NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Martin Zürcher -10F422322342323233332-1048
2Lukas Schär -9F323232333523222324-949
3Michael Basler -4F434222532423233334-454
4Turi Küttel -3F433333433333233432-355
5Patrick Röösli -1F333333333534333423-157
5Tore Haugholt -1F425333434433233332-157
7Peter Leuenberger 0F423234422433433534058
8Lorenz Zeller +3F424433533525333333+361
9Fritz Hürzeler +7F434333643524434433+765
10Franco Brambilla +8F634333533434334633+866
11Doris Rubin +10F525334633523533544+1068
12Reto Wisler +12F635344454424234544+1270
13Philipp Aeberhard +13F634332424744454624+1371
14Simon Schüpbach +29F635446656534353784+2987

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The result was updated on: 2023-12-06 11:35:19.

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