1Mikko Hakulinen -5F432433422322333323443-562
2Pasi Anttila -3F433244432322223334443-364
3Heikki Koivisto -12033334444222233325344-163
4Joona Kankaanranta 0F423353443234322234434067
4Jesse Hälikkä 01133232343444035
6Samuel Stenman +1194322543342322332554+161
7Kristjan Noormets +29532234434+230
8Aleksi Kankaanranta +3834335334+328
8Lauri Tammisto +3843343344+328
10Ari-Matti Kosonen +4853344334+429
10Rami Meritaival +4F733344432323223435434+471
12riku hallikainen +79453364334+735
13Antti Rautio +9F435344433342326525434+976
14Samu Repo+109434476433+1038
15Jaakko Mäntylä0-00

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The result was updated on: 2016-05-08 19:58:02. Free is used

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