1Rait Saluri -9F322232233-522-945
2Tanel Pajo -8F233332233-324-846
3Toomas Poolak #1 -6F223332332-423-648
4Cristo Kalder -3F232243342-225-351
4Erkki Eggert -3F232343332-225-351
4Tanel Mehine -3F332233333-225-351
4Marko Saks -3F322334232-324-351
4Jaagup Lehes -3F233233343-126-351
9Bruno Võsu -2F233242343-126-252
10Mikko Buht -1F333253332027-153
11Ergo Leibak 0F432233333-126054
12Andres Ebu +1F223244344+128155
12Joosep Orav +1F223433343027155
14Keijo Alatalo +4F233333434+128458
14Anti Kustassoo +4F333343344+330458
16Tarmo Lillelaid +6F332244433+128660
17Kadi Pint +16F333464444+8351670

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The result was updated on: 2016-12-22 11:42:28. Free is used

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