
Jauns datums/ New date


Mēs ceram, ka visi jūtas labi un veselība turas!

Līdz pēdējam brīdim turējām īkšķus par "zaļo gaismu" individuālajām āra sporta spēlēm, taču diemžēl arī šoreiz jebkādas sacensības šajā  jomā Latvijā nākas atcelt.
Tādēļ izsludinām jaunus datumus, kas ir 7.-8. augusts. No sirds ceram, ka vairāk nenāksies neko pārcelt. Šajā nepatīkamajā situācijā ceram uz jūsu sapratni. Mēs apņēmīgi  strādāsim, lai padarītu šīs sacensības pēc iespējas lieliskākas.

Ja šie datumi nav jums piemēroti un nekādi nevarat piedalīties, lūdzu, dariet mums to zināmu, un mēs atgriezīsim jūsu naudu ASAP. Jāsaka gan, ka, optimistiski gatavojoties sacensībām, esam jau sagatavojuši spēlētāju pakas. Tāpēc gribam piedāvāt iespēju to saņemt  naudas vietā.

Mūsu parka attīstībai variet sekot Facebook.com/DevinkalnuDiskuGolfaParks

Paldies par sapratni! Vēlam jums visiem izturību un pacietību!

We hope that all of you are well. 

We waited until the last moment for positive governments decision on individual outdoor sports activities.  Unfortunately, there is no permission to make any competitions in Latvia at this stage.
For this reason, we are announcing new dates for our event which is 7th – 8th of August. 
We truly hope that delay of this event would be for the last time and we will be able to make the competition on given dates.

We hope for everyone’s understanding of this unfortunate current situation. We are determined to work hard and make this event as great as possible.

If these dates are not suitable for you and you cannot attend, please let us know and we will refund your money ASAP. 

We have already prepared players packs.
We would like to offer you an opportunity to receive player’s pack instead of money refund in case if you cannot attend the event.

You can follow us on Facebook.com/DevinkalnuDiskuGolfaParks   to see our work in the park and what we do !

Thanks for understanding, wishing you all the best


Latitude 64

Organizer -  9Hill

Place - Talsi, Latvia
Date 7.-8.augusts, 2021. 

✨Saturday will be shotgun start 2 rounds

1. Raund in 9Hill- Deviņakalnu disku golfa park

2. Raund in Laumas disku golfa park

Sunday golf start 1 round in 9Hill- Deviņkalnu disku golfa parks

Every day side events 


 Prize fund:
 Men's open group
1. Place 30% of the amount paid by the men's group, if the registration is full - 360 euros
2. Place 20% of the amount paid by the men's group, if the registration is full - 240 euros
3. Place  10% of the amount paid by the men's group, if the registration is full - 120 euros
4. place 5% of the amount paid by the men's group, if the registration is full - 60 euros

Womens Group
1. Place 100 euros
2. Place 80 euros
3. Place 50 euros

Mens over 40
 1. place 100 euros
 2. place 80 euros
 3. place 50 euros

Amateur 1
 1. Place - Sponsor Awards
 2. Place - Sponsor Awards
 3. Place - Sponsor Awards
 4. Place - Sponsor Awards

Amateur 2
 1. Place - Sponsor Awards
 2. Place  - Sponsor Awards
 3. Place - Sponsor Awards
 4. Place - Sponsor Awards

Grouping by rating. 
 Mens open no rating limit. 
 Amateur 1- metrix rating up to 900. 
 Amateur 2 - metrix rating up to 800. 
 Women - no rating limit. 
 Men over 40 - no rating limit.

 Players pack value at least 30 euros.

Entry fees:
* First 30 - 30 euros 
 *31-70 - 35 euros
 *71-110 -  38 euro
 *111-160 - ​​41 euros


Please write your name and division in payment details.  

Biedriba "Volejbola klubs lspa"

Reg. No 40008182701

Talsu nov., Talsi, Akmeņu iela 2 - 1, LV-3201 LV93PARX0016519170002




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