

As you already know, NBDG Tyyni 2020 was cancelled due COVID-19 pandemic. That still makes players, organizers, volunteers and spectators unhappy. But that is something we can't change,

Wait, maybe we can. Kind of. Sport events can be organized in Finland again from June 1st on. Natural Born Disc Golfer and the local clubs from Keinukallio, Hyrylä and Porvoo brings joy to your sadness and possibility to compete almost like it was Tyyni. During the cancelled Tyyni main event we will organize 12 one round PDGA events. Yes, 12 events in three days. Disc golf to the maximum.

Welcome to Not-so-Tyyni!

Exceptional actions due COVID can be found here.

Not-so-Tyyni #5 - Keinukallio

  • PDGA C-tier
  • Friday, June 25th
  • Keinukallio, Kerava
  • Organizer Natural Born Disc Golfer
  • Co-opertaion with Frisbeegolfclub Keinukallio
  • Contact Mikko Wikman (mike@nbdg.fi, +358 40 556 7789)
  • TD Mikko Wikman
  • Course TD Marco Hyvärinen, +358 50 522 5466
  • View the whole Not-so-Tyyni schedule HERE


  • Keinukallio
  • Keinukalliontie 47, Kerava
  • Tournament office at tee #1 
  • Parking lot at Keinukallio sports area
  • Normal layout

Preliminary schedule

  • 1pm to 6pm Tee-time starts to competition round
  • Obligatory group meeting 10 minutes before your tee-time at tee #1. Please, do not arrive until previous group has left the tee
  • Preliminary schedule, subject to change

Competition rules

  • One competition round with tee-time starts
  • PDGA rules
  • Valid PDGA membership required
  • Smoking, vaporing and use of any other tobacco products is prohibited at the tournament center and during competition round
  • Scoring with Disc Golf Metrix, players must sign their score in Metrix after round
  • Every player must follow given special rules and actions, read more HERE

Divisions and player spots

  • MPO, FPO, MP40, FP40
    MA1, FA1, MA2, FA2, MA3, FA3, MA4, FA4
    MJ18, FJ18, MJ15, FJ15
  • Pros playing am is valid
  • No divisional spots, all spots are given in the order of registration
  • Organizer has got four wild cards


  • Pre-registration via Disc Golf Metrix
  • Walk-in registration is not possible
  • Player must choose preliminary tee-time and group while registering
  • NOTICE! Organizer has right to change tee-times and groups if needed

Final tee-times will be published at the latest on day before event. Players are informed via News-section at Metrix page and by email if necessary. Every player must check their final tee-time!

Entry fee

  • Entry fee is 10,00 €
  • No entry fee in Junior divisions (NBDG Junior Program)
  • Entry fee must be paid immediately after registration
  • Unpaid players may be removed without any notice
  • Sibbe Disc Golf is a pay-to-play course. Players must a valid course fee (season pass / daily fee paid to TD)

Payment method

Withdrawals and refunds

  • Always inform about your withdrawal via email (mike@nbdg.fi)
  • Do not remove yourself from event, TD will do it
  • Refund 100% (minus possible handling fee) if...
    1) Withdrawal is done as mentioned above at the latest seven days before the event
    2) Withdrawal is done as mentioned above 2-7 days before the event and your spot will be filled from the queue


  • No prizes on the basis of scores
  • There might be raffle or side games with merchandize prizes
  • Raffle among all Not-so-Tyyni participants, you have chance to win free entry to Tyyni 2021. One joined event = one ticket to raffle


  • Hole-in-one side event
  • Volunteer to join
  • 1,00 €/round 
  • Throw an ace, get a voucher for 50 € 




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