  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Adults - $10 per League Day (Six in a season) Children (up to 14yo) - $5. Members - $35 for the season (six league days) Please transfer payment to South Australian Disc Golf - BSB: 065004 - ACC: 10959178

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617Dou+/-Sum
1Jonathan Dragt -4F433443232223343322-452
2Gareth Morgan -3F333333324332343323-353
2Andrew Simpson -3F242342232333273233-353
4Reece Svetec +1F343344333332443233+157
4Marshall Miller +1F233343332333453433+157
6Sam Caon +2F334453333243334233+258
7Tim Davis +3F243343333233553433+359
8Sean Davis +4F232443343223444445+460
9Nick Cav +6F333634353332434343+662
9Sam O'Connell +6F323554233354344333+662
9Thang Do +6F343444432333454333+662
12Daniel Hartley +7F322343233433553537+763
13Jay Cruse +8F334354434333453334+864
14jimmy emmett +9F333343444443543452+965
14Frank Svetec +9F334453334443444334+965
14Thom Schneider +9F333454442433543443+965
17Samuel Matthewman +11F343453333443455344+1167
18Dave Stephens +13F443344344354445434+1369
19Dylan Pee +15F344554442333556443+1571
19Richard Klein +15F344453433355454444+1571
19Riley Pedler +15F443446543344454433+1571
22Kylan Verdonk +17F434464353534664333+1773
23Sarah Lee +18F354464453442545444+1874
24Anna Kolodina +22F343565544443464545+2278
25Alissa Delia +59F866101066565666106553+59115
26Peter Sibly 0-00
26Ben Foley 0-00

Hole-by-hole statistics

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