2. Kierros  08/18/20 19:16

metrix rating 890 -> (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Mikael Tuohioja -6F233442323-226-650
2Olli-Pekka Kivistö -1F333533333+129-155
3Jari Salonen 0F333523324028056
metrix rating 840-889 (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Veeti Salminen -4F433423232-226-452
2Mikko Tammisto -1F333333222-424-155
2Teemu Savukoski -1F333333233-226-155
metrix rating alle 840 (7)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Eero Tehomaa +2F443524323+230258
2Tommi Kemppinen +5F333523333028561
3Jari Järvenpää +6F332454533+432662
4Paavo Rasilahti +7F344434433+432763
5Jarkko Viljanmaa +8F543524343+533864
6Joonas Kainu +9F443453334+533965
7Viljo Saravo +18F344655444+11391874

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The result was updated on: 2020-08-18 20:12:08.

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