
05/08/21 09:00|Charleval → Charleval 18 - pro|FRANCE, Bouches-du-Rhône, Charleval


  • Registration end: 05/07/21 23:59 +01:00
  • The number of registered players: 12
GeneralMax players count = 72;
H HommeGender = M;
F FemmeGender = F;

 Homme (12)Metrix ratingRegistered on↓
1 David PIEL89404/13/21 19:12:19
2 Laurent Cremont04/23/21 08:35:31
3 Pierre Bonnefous96804/30/21 21:37:31
4 Stéphane CROS04/30/21 22:52:38
5 Christoph Burkard05/01/21 08:27:57
6 Remi Magar05/01/21 08:36:19
7 Brice DANIEL91205/02/21 20:19:33
8 Loïc Siroit05/03/21 13:15:03
9 Bertrand Montpellier83905/04/21 06:05:55
10 Julien LECOLLINET05/04/21 11:30:58
11 Johan Renaudier94105/07/21 14:48:17
12 Vincent Renaudier84705/07/21 14:48:27


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