
07/10/21 - 07/11/21|PURIFICACIÓN TOMÁS → Oviedo Open 2021|SPAIN, Principado de Asturias, Asturias, Oviedo

The Disc Golf Club Oviedo welcomes you to the first edition of the Oviedo Open, a disc golf tournament that is part of the Spanish Cup and that will be scored for it along with 4 more events in 2021 (More Cup information on the AEDG website). Together with the Xacobeo Open that will be held the following week, it will be the Camino Primitivo for the pilgrims of disc golf. From Oviedo, Origin of the Way, to Santiago de Compostela, end of the way.

The event is registered as PDGA-C (Trophy only) and will be held on July 10 and 11, 2021 at Parque Purificación Tomás de Oviedo. On Friday 9 there will be a doubles tournament.

The categories offered for this event are Open (MPO), Open Women (FA1), Amateur (MA1), Masters (MA40) and Junior (MJ18). Important: the participants of the event who are also registered in the Spanish Cup must register in the same category in which they did for the Cup. If that's not the case, the tournament won't operate as a scoring event for the Spanish Cup.

The categories must have a minimum of 4 players. If not, they will have to be accommodated in other categories, but relocated players who could not form their own will always compete in the same category.

Two registration stages will be open. The first stage will last one week and will be only for players who are registered in the Spanish Cup, as indicated by the AEDG. The next and final stage will be open for everyone and will stay open until shortly before the tournament, or until full capacity is reached.

PHASE I (Players of the Spanish Cup) → Start: 02 / June - End: 09 / June (23:59)
PHASE II (Open to everyone) → Start: 10 / June (00:00) - End: 30 / June (23:59)
Pre-registrations must be made through Disc Golf Metrix and will be confirmed when, meeting the requested requirements, payment of the fee is made to the DGCO account (Caja Rural ES15 3059 0083 7128 6572 3627). The registration fee will be the same for every category, 30€. The payment concept must contain "Oviedo Open Registration - [Player's Name]". To avoid date problems with the receipt of payment, once the payment is made, you must send an email to discgolfcluboviedo@gmail.com attaching proof of payment. Participants will receive a complete player package.

The event has a capacity of 72 players (7 wildcards included).

All categories will play 3 rounds of 18 holes, meeting the minimum requirements required by AEDG. The competition field will be the Parque Purificación Tomás de Oviedo, with a slightly modified configuration (layout) from its standard version, which will be made public the days before the competition.

Meals will be organized for Saturday and Sunday, and dinner/espicha in the afternoon of Saturday night where all the participants can fraternize. In the registration, please indicate if you are interested in having lunch/dinner (it is not binding). Depending on the interested parties, we will organize it in the most appropriate place.

An offer has been requested with the Hotel Silken Monumental Naranco 4*, the usual venue for tournaments.

Individual, with buffet breakfast included: 60€/night
Double, with buffet breakfast included: 65€/night
It also includes free use of the wellness center: SAUNA, HEATED POOL AND GYM

To order please call +34 985963280 or send an e-mail to convenciones.naranco@hoteles-silken.com (Att. Beatriz G. Lozano) informing you are a competitor in the Oviedo Open disc golf tournament. You will need a valid credit card to make the reservation.



  • 15:30-17:30 - Doubles round (Groups can not tee later than 17:30)
  • 20:30 - Players meeting 


  • 9:00 - Check-in of the first round (The first player of the group must pick-up the scorecards of the group) 
  • 9:30 - First round (Simultaneous tee-off)
  • 13:00 - Lunch
  • 15:00 - Check-in of the second round (The first player of the group must pick-up the scorecards of the group)  
  • 15:30 - Second round (Simultaneous tee-off)


  • 9:00 - Check-in of the third round (The first player of the group must pick-up the scorecards of the group) 
  • 9:30 - Third round (Simultaneous tee-off)
  • Awards ceremony


In case of ties for the first position, the tie will be broken by sudden death at holes #15, #17 and #18.
Given the current pandemic situation, certain protocol measures will be taken, which we will inform you about in detail closer to the event, since health regulations change week by week.

Mail: discgolfcluboviedo@gmail.com


Oviedo Open


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