
08/28/21 - 08/29/21|Tilst Bypark, ny → Gul tee|DENMARK

Velkommen til Aarhus Amateur Open 2021 i Tilst Bypark (https://goo.gl/maps/LGW12RNXChQuVmVr5).
AARHUS AMATUER OPEN - en fuld ud PDGA-sanktioneret b-tier turnering med helt samme setup som Aarhus Open over tre runder på 2 dage, kun for ægte amatører .

Alle rækker spiller fra gul tee.

Turneringssitet findes her: https://www.opdrift.org/aarhusam
Virtuelt spillermøde: https://www.facebook.com/aarhus.open.disc.golf/posts/367253258382693
Caddiebog: https://607c9f8b-e3b6-4b3c-80e5-0f01448838c1.usrfiles.com/ugd/607c9f_a2d6105a79e44db4a68599dba332a1ef.pdf
Dronevideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSPlsX__np0 (Bemærk at hul 4, 8 og 15 er ændret siden optagelsen)

Registreringsgebyr: 300 DKK.
Betales til:
- Mobilepay: 304053. Skriv spillerens navn i beskedfeltet, hvis betaler er forskellig fra spiller. 

Lørdag 28. august:
7.30-8.30: Indskrivning og opvarmning
8.30: Spillermøde
9.00: Tee-off, Runde 1, shotgun start, 18 huller
12.30-14.00: Frokost
14.00: Tee-off, Runde 2, shotgun start, 18 huller

Søndag 29. august:
9.00-12.30: Tee-off, Runde 3, golf start (tee tider på denne side), 18 huller
13.30 (anslået): Præmieoverrækkelse efter sidste kort er færdig

Welcome to Aarhus Amateur Open 2021 in Tilst Bypark (https://goo.gl/maps/LGW12RNXChQuVmVr5).
Aarhus Amateur Open - a full-blown PDGA sanctioned b-tier tournament with the same setup as Aarhus Open over three rounds on 2 days, only for real amateurs.

All divisions play from yellow tee.

Tournament site can be found here: https://www.opdrift.org/aarhusam
Virtual players meeting: https://www.facebook.com/aarhus.open.disc.golf/posts/367253258382693
Caddie book: https://607c9f8b-e3b6-4b3c-80e5-0f01448838c1.usrfiles.com/ugd/607c9f_a2d6105a79e44db4a68599dba332a1ef.pdf
Drone video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSPlsX__np0 (Note that hole 4, 8 and 15 has changed since the recording)

Registration fee: 300 DKK.
Pay to:
- Mobilepay: 304053. Put player name in message associated with the payment if player is different from payee.
or if you are not able to use Mobilepay:
- Bank transfer to IBAN DK9761820001565141, BIC KRONDK22. Put "Aarhus Am Open, Firstname Lastname" in the message associated with the payment.

Saturday 28. august:
7.30-8.30: Sign-in and warm-up
8.30: Player's meeting
9.00: Tee-off, Round 1, shotgun start, 18 holes
12.30-14.00: Lunch
14.00: Tee-off, Round 2, shotgun start, 18 holes

Sunday 29. august:
9.00-12.30: Tee-off, Round 3, golf start (tee times on this page), 18 holes
15.30 (estimated): Prize ceremony


Bilka - Tilst


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