
07/24/22 09:00|Karkkilan frisbeegolfrata → Red (2021)|FINLAND, Uusimaa, Karkkila


  • Registration start: 05/18/22 18:00 +03:00
  • Registration end: 07/17/22 18:00 +03:00
  • Maximum number of players: 100
  • The number of registered players: 41
  • Wildcards: 5
GeneralStart: 05/18/22 18:00 +03:00
End: 06/30/22 19:00 +03:00
SFL license required
Start: 07/01/22 18:00 +03:00
End: 07/17/22 18:00 +03:00
SFL license required
PDGA membership is active
MA3 RecreationalMax players count = 30
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 900
Max players count = 30
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 900
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 900
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 900
MA4 NoviceMax players count = 30
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 850
Max players count = 30
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 850
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 850
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 850
FA3 Recreational WomenGender = F
Max players count = 10
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 775
Gender = F
Max players count = 10
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 775
Gender = F
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 775
Gender = F
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 775
FA4 Novice WomenGender = F
Max players count = 10
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 725
Gender = F
Max players count = 10
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 725
Gender = F
PDGA classification <> Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 725
Gender = F
PDGA classification = Pro
PDGA membership is active
PDGA rating < 725
MJ18 Junior ≤ 18Age <= 18
Max players count = 15
PDGA classification = A
PDGA membership is active
Age <= 18
PDGA classification = A
PDGA membership is active

 Recreational (11)GroupPDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidWildcardConfirmedRegistered on↑
1Jori Nurminen91512899YesYes07/22/22 20:50:30
2Jani Tiljander117065857FGCH ryYesYes07/14/22 22:01:53
3Juha Savolainen72840846KFGYesYesYes07/13/22 16:33:59
4Jere Elsilä134390889PuskasoturitYesYes07/13/22 12:53:06
5Taneli Tuukkanen125375890SFG SaloYesYes06/19/22 20:08:43
6Marko Lehtinen76240859YesYes06/15/22 21:23:27
7Esa Laaksonen110598869ReTeeYesYes06/04/22 17:19:54
8Aleksanteri Vallenius221312907Lohjan LiitokiekkoilijatYesYes05/22/22 11:47:47
9Markku Ollila122029882RFGYesYes05/19/22 07:03:29
10Jan Laine220040888Lohjan LiitokiekkoilijatYesYes05/18/22 18:00:16
11Mikko Huuhka92257868DGHYesYes05/18/22 18:00:04
 Novice (13)GroupPDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidWildcardConfirmedRegistered on↑
1Ari Jaatinen116399848YesYes07/20/22 05:20:40
2Sinikka Bäck113825796Lohjan LiitokiekkoilijatYesYes07/13/22 21:17:58
3Jyri Haapala124344848Lohjan LiitokiekkoilijatYesYes07/12/22 11:13:32
4Kasper Honkala213205Kaiku/FBGYesYes06/29/22 22:29:35
5Jari Esselström76239825Kaiku/FBGYesYes06/26/22 10:31:42
6Ilkka SALMI168978712VikingsYesYes06/09/22 00:52:15
7Kimmo Koskelainen83550816FGCKYesYes06/08/22 20:09:27
8Keijo Koskelainen80249756FGCH ryYesYes06/02/22 21:07:01
9Jan Katz213049NFSYesYes05/21/22 10:08:09
10Petri Kellosalmi114978846YesYes05/19/22 15:35:35
11Toni Hakonen133993838YesYes05/19/22 14:48:09
12Akseli Kilpinen115992794HHYesYes05/18/22 18:03:43
13Kimmo Forsström79877842SDYesYes05/18/22 18:00:15
 Recreational Women (6)GroupPDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidWildcardConfirmedRegistered on↑
1Jaana Jaatinen120503745WDGMYesYes06/28/22 17:26:28
2Asta Hapulahti220605ReTeeYesYes06/21/22 21:00:32
3Tiina Karlsson94982738PuskasoturitYesYes05/22/22 20:15:18
4Sari Orjatsalo133239756FGCH ryYesYes05/18/22 18:13:23
5Veronika Voltsek218845732YesYes05/18/22 18:03:00
6Maiju Ahonen170539766FGCH ryYesYes05/18/22 18:01:07
 Junior ≤ 18 (11)GroupPDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidWildcardConfirmedRegistered on↑
1Alex Löija198648841YesYes07/22/22 15:42:50
2Otto Reunanen190226908YesYes07/21/22 06:14:34
3Niklas Feldt201063904PuskasoturitYesYes07/16/22 14:14:00
4Ville Tanskanen182445798NFSYesYes07/08/22 18:26:58
5Aaron Hyvönen225323WDGMYesYes06/29/22 04:13:43
6Miro blom160480902NFSYesYes05/30/22 10:51:02
7Eero Eini216158735KFGYesYes05/27/22 10:15:28
8Niila Manninen204462863NFSYesYes05/20/22 11:00:12
9Patrik Lehtinen205932810NFSYesYes05/19/22 07:48:53
10Matias Jauhojärvi155430905SFG SaloYesYes05/18/22 18:04:35
11Joonas Jauhojärvi155429874YesYes05/18/22 18:00:06


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