
07/06/22 17:15|Eghjorten disc golf bane → White 2022 version|DENMARK


  • Registration start: 06/29/22 20:00 +02:00
  • Registration end: 07/07/22 15:00 +02:00
  • Maximum number of players: 72
  • The number of registered players: 49
MA1 Mixed Advanced AmateursPDGA classification <> Pro;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA rating < 970;
FA1 Female Advanced AmateursGender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA rating < 875;
MPO Mixed Pro Openall

 Mixed Advanced Amateurs (35)PDGA numberPDGA rating↓ClubWaiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Chris Ungermand221492EDGK06/30/22 20:29:25
2August Ravnbak22533906/30/22 23:04:49
3Nicolaj Birch195239EDGK07/02/22 21:10:09
4Carsten DuschekEDGK07/04/22 09:41:46
5Simon Terkildsen17206707/04/22 20:18:40
6Philip Burchard07/06/22 10:41:12
7michael h e pedersen07/06/22 12:30:09
8Jeppe Koefoed219718EDGK07/06/22 12:57:21
9Svend Erik AndersenKFGK07/06/22 14:06:18
10christian westergaard07/06/22 15:45:10
11Jakob Nellemose07/06/22 15:50:13
12Jesper Møller187743744other07/06/22 12:30:55
13Stewen Buch54544794KFK Disc Golf07/06/22 13:12:28
14Nikolaj Ohlhues17699779907/06/22 14:01:34
15Jacob Juul151460815EDGK07/06/22 00:57:58
16Bo Thomsen154025824KFK Disc Golf07/05/22 20:41:14
17Gert Fogh Rasmussen169330834EDGK07/04/22 20:41:59
18Alex Povlsen145403839KFK Disc Golf06/30/22 19:04:04
19Mikkel Wulf18090984907/05/22 10:24:05
20Piet Johan Brochorst Christensen215913851EDGK07/05/22 10:08:39
21Lars Bo Ravnbak198438852EDGK06/30/22 00:32:22
22Mikkel Risum196671856EDGK06/29/22 22:33:20
23Mikkel Borggård188025861EDGK07/01/22 13:12:55
24Morten Olsen134306861other07/05/22 09:29:49
25Henrik Munk Pedersen176584863EDGK06/30/22 09:27:14
26Tomas Mohr Mortensen173707873EDGK06/29/22 20:53:27
27Jacob Warming101384878EDGK07/03/22 12:03:47
28Thomas S. K. Holm171295878EDGK07/03/22 14:49:24
29Kasper Koch Hansen135984881EDGK06/29/22 22:37:33
30Thomas Rosenlund193830881KFK Disc Golf07/03/22 14:26:24
31Kasper Kruse Nielsen170243881KFK Disc Golf07/05/22 10:51:58
32Daniel Schweitz187811892EDGK06/29/22 21:35:24
33Martin Larsen134283898EDGK07/05/22 09:29:55
34Jacob Rosenlund193829899KFK Disc Golf07/03/22 14:27:12
35Camilla Kampen138707900KFK Disc Golf07/03/22 20:06:07
 Female Advanced Amateurs (3)PDGA numberPDGA rating↓ClubWaiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Sinne Lundgaard212000497KFK Disc Golf07/04/22 01:24:07
2Sophie Hildestad177900705EDGK07/03/22 22:28:15
3Emma Thomsen189420788KFK Disc Golf06/30/22 10:40:27
 Mixed Pro Open (11)PDGA numberPDGA rating↓ClubWaiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Niels Krøjer Hansen157967888KFK Disc Golf07/06/22 13:56:05
2tore amby142776888KFK Disc Golf07/06/22 14:28:25
3Frederik Beck141592911KFK Disc Golf07/05/22 18:30:39
4Lucas Stanborough186006912KFK Disc Golf06/30/22 10:41:13
5Andreas Poulsen178829925SDGF06/30/22 15:45:39
6Tom Mathiesen35790941KFGK07/06/22 14:19:37
7Mathias Bergkvist99683942EDGK07/02/22 20:48:29
8Casper Reenberg102875956EDGK06/30/22 07:41:52
9Sindre Håker128889957EDGK07/04/22 08:18:10
10Mads Schmidt67907986KFGK07/06/22 13:58:09
11Edvin Carlson96431987Edgk07/05/22 21:35:55

Registration statistics

Mixed Advanced Amateurs:350
Female Advanced Amateurs:30
Mixed Pro Open:110
The number of registered players:49720
Used wildcards:00


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