
05/25/22 17:00 Golfstart|Kendall Indian Hammocks K2 old → K2-C|UNITED STATES, FL, Miami-Dade, Miami

Round  05/25/22 17:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Ctps- 2,10,12,13,15. Park at Kiosk. $11. CashApp $MiamiDiscGolfClub. Roll for course. Random draw using cards. Group players on same team next to each other. Enter same score for both players on team on scorecard.


  • Registration end: 05/25/22 17:00 -04:00
  • The number of registered players: 15

 Registered on
1Nicholas Toledo05/25/22 09:38:10
2Alexsandra Breines05/25/22 12:17:10
3Alexis Gonzalez05/25/22 12:24:58
4Eddie Gillette05/25/22 12:50:04
5JC Guerra05/25/22 15:14:23
6Andres Balanta05/25/22 15:33:46
7Chase toot05/25/22 16:00:30
8Mike Hernandez05/25/22 16:01:05
9Ryan Bobson05/25/22 16:03:35
10Jonathan Gramling05/25/22 16:25:29
11Mario Guerra05/25/22 16:43:05
12Ovy Ramirez05/25/22 16:45:03
13Orlando Leiva05/25/22 16:53:09
14Nelson Mato05/25/22 16:54:09
15Ric05/25/22 16:57:49

Park at Kiosk. $11 required. CashApp $MiamiDiscGolfClub. Roll for course. Random draw using cards. Group players on same team next to each other. Enter same score for both players on team on scorecard. 


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