
07/04/22 01:19 Golfstart|Sandnes Disc Golf Park → 20 - Par 65|NORWAY, Rogaland, Sandnes


  • Registration start: 07/04/22 06:00 +02:00
  • Registration end: 07/04/22 23:00 +02:00
  • Maximum number of players: 100
  • The number of registered players: 18

 Registered on
1Even Brandal07/04/22 01:23:04
2Morten Lerstøl07/04/22 01:23:24
3Sigbjørn Førli07/04/22 08:28:49
4Mikal Tønnesen07/04/22 09:47:18
5Thomas Kylland07/04/22 11:40:54
6Kristoffer Messmer07/04/22 14:20:37
7Sebastian Mathias Hadland07/04/22 14:37:39
8John Ravndal07/04/22 14:55:32
9Atle lundegaard07/04/22 16:39:35
10Øyvind Ulset07/04/22 17:24:24
11Espen Valheim07/04/22 17:24:42
12Aleksander Haglund07/04/22 17:25:06
13Jørgen Schanke Grude07/04/22 17:42:32
14Kristian Feed07/04/22 19:45:03
15Tom Rune Koløy07/04/22 20:10:24
16Trond Tellefsen07/04/22 20:11:16
17Sondre Kyllingstad07/04/22 21:07:46
18Isak Michal Røyland07/04/22 21:08:07


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