
11/17/22 - 11/19/22|Mijas, EPT All-Stars → All-Stars|SPAIN, Andalucía, Málaga, Mijas

EPT All-Stars 2022

EPT All-Stars is an unique season closing event. This event will gather all the best players to chase for the huge prize pool and cool-off for the off-season. Don’t be fooled by November, the event takes place in Fuengirola, Mijas course which is located in Costa Del Sol (=English: The sunny cost) where summer is present all year round and except to wear shorts and t-shirt during the event.

Almost all spots for EPT All-Stars will be shared by the results of individual EPT and EPT-X events through the season. There might be also some invitations by the EPT organization.

If you are not able to reach the spot, you are welcome to spectate the event (and possibly take part to EPT-X Fuengriola Open one week earlier). 

General information

  • EPT All-Stars
  • Mijas, Spain
  • November 17th to 19th, 2022
  • PDGA International XA-tier
  • 3 competition rounds, one round a day with tee-time starts
  • MPO, FPO


  • Event PDGA page: LINK
  • European Pro Tour homepage: LINK


  • Organizer: Natural Born Disc Golfer
  • In co-operation with Mijas Disc Golf Park and European Pro Tour
  • Tournament Director: Mikko Wikman, mike@nbdg.fi, +358 40 556 7789
    Officials: Ville Helenius, Eemeli Kouki
  • Media Manager: Juha Kytö, juha@nbdg.fi

Preliminary schedule

Preliminary schedule, changes possible

Friday to Sunday, November 11th to 13th

Tuesday, November 17th

  • Course open for practise

Wednesday, November 16th

  • Course open for practise
  • Press conference

Thursday, November 17th

  • First round, tee-time starts
  • MPO starts 10:40 - 13:20 with 20 minutes intervals (feature card 13:20)
  • FPO starts 14:00 - 14:20 with 20 minutes intervals (feature card 14:20)
  • Tee-times for first round HERE
  • Group meeting at tournament office 10 minutes before tee-time

Friday, November 18th

  • Second round, tee-time starts
  • MPO starts 10:40 - 13:20 with 20 minutes intervals (lead card 13:20)
  • FPO starts 14:00 - 14:20 with 20 minutes intervals (lead card 14:20)
  • Group meeting at tournament office 10 minutes before tee-time

Saturday, November 19th

  • Third round, tee-time starts
  • FPO starts 10:00 - 10:20 with 20 minutes intervals (lead card 10:20)
  • MPO starts 12:00 - 14:40 with 20 minutes intervals (lead card 14:40)
  • Group meeting at tournament office 10 minutes before tee-time


  • DiscGolfPark Mijas
  • Urbanización Torreblanca del Sol, Mijas (Google Maps)
  • Layout for the event:
    Mijas Blue Course with two changes
    - Blue layout holes 7 & 8 won't be played in All-Stars
    + Red layout hole #18 added to layout
    + One extra hole after Blue #6 added to layout
  • Detailed information in the news, HERE

Competition rules

  • PDGA A-tier event with tee-time starts
  • Three days, three competition rounds
  • PDGA rules and competition manual applied. Also EPT rules are valid
  • Duplex scoring (Udisc + Metrix). Both methods are official and player is responsible for his/her own score on both platforms
  • SD holes 1-2-3

Prize pool

  • Prize pool includes:
    • 10 €/player from each EPT event (MPO 5200 €, FPO 590 €)
    • 5000 € added cash from EPT
  • Payout 100% 
  • Share TOP30%

General information

  • Personal details (name, address, personal ID / date of birth, email address) will be collected by organizer for needed tax liabilities. 
  • Withdrawal tax will be reduced from the original prize if needed

Media coverage

  • There will be a huge media coverage from the event
    • Press conference on Wednesday in Disc Golf Stream and Disc Golf Stream YouTube
    • Live coverage and post-productions from all competition rounds
  • Added with the tour's official photographer Marika Salmi's quality photos

Disc Golf Stream
Disc Golf Stream - YouTube FIN
Disc Golf Stream - YouTube ENG
Marika Salmi Photography - EPT