
10/16/22 - 03/26/23|SWEDEN

Winter Warriors 2022-23  10/16/22-03/26/23
  • Comment: Winter warriors is not for everyone, but everyone is welcome to try. Its hard, cold one hell of a tour!

Winter Warrior Championship 2022-23

Welcome Winter warrior. 
You have signed up to show your strength and grit, to show that you are slightly more warrior then your friends and family.. The tourists has escaped into warmth and cosier facilities, only a few of us is still out there chopping down trees with plastic discs. You are here, slightly more certain that you can bring down the win as a Winter Warrior Champion 2023. This is a big title, with big prizes, this is a long and dark tournament.. this is not for everyone, but you are welcome to try! 

We will open the WW boxes your prizes.. 
Järva Discgolfstore has saved thru out the year, with signatureseries, firstruns and alot more fun. 
You will be able to pick a prize from these on every event, you will also be able to secure discs for the great final. 

The fight about strokes, points and number of competitions you have played.
There will be a pointsystem on every competition, 1st place til 10th place. In every Division. You will save your 5 highest points taken, these +1 round in the final WinterWarrior will determine your worth throughout the Championship. 
5+1 for the total. 

Last year we had alot of variety in the Winter Warriors. This will not change, there are some C-tier sanctioned events but there will be random teams, there will be 1 discs, there will be safariholes, there will be alot of difficulties nomatter how good you are.. Keep an eye out in the curtain where the competitions will add and you might be able to catch a small edge against your competetors. 



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