
11/27/22 10:00|Järva Discgolfpark Winter Warriors 2021-22 → Järva Gul|SWEDEN

Episode 5. The Random Tripple Team. (W.A.T)  11/27/22 10:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Winter warriors is not for everyone, but everyone is welcome to try. Its a hard, cold, one hell of a tour!

Winter Warrior`s Championship 2022-23

Episode 5. Random Tripple Team (W.A.T!)
"-Random tripple team.. ridicoulus, its like its not even discgolf anymore on this winter tour.. But on the bright side, I dont have 2 friends to make a team so I guess I can join anyways... " 

This tournament is one of the most funny tournaments from the Winter Warriors last year. A lot of laughters is promised, since the Twist of this one, is good enough to disturb anyone`s game! 

A part of winter warriors. Are you a winter warrior? 

The rest of your info is at meetup 10.00 at the shop.   

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