
01/29/23 10:00|Järva Discgolfpark → Green 18 - Red tee 1-9 19-27|SWEDEN

Episode 12. Järva DGP - Berg Challenge Special edt.   01/29/23 10:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Winter Warriors. Berg Challenge - Ni får en berg på uppmöte. Det finns enbart 50 custom stamped berg.

Winter Warrior`s Championship 2022-23

Episode 12. The Berg Challenge! 
A gift at the meetup, special edt. this will be your one and only weapon for the competition.. 

Highest rating plays for entire card at hole 5
2nd highest plays for entire card at hole 8
3rd highest plays for entire card at hole 10 (19)
Lowest or unrated plays for entire card at hole 14 (23)
The rest of your info is at meetup 10.00 at the shop.   

200kr med årskort/ 250kr utan årskort swishas direkt i samband med registrering till 1234832028 märkning "wwepisode12"


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