1. Runde  12/08/22 19:19

1Angela Junginger +53212+55
1Heidi Tausend +53221+55
1Philipp Mauz +53221+55
4Nico Münzenmaier +6F21111+66
5Ricky Schönfeld +843311+88
5Michael Burbach +845111+88
5Katharina Bolay +83413+88
8Günter Guth +944113+99
8Matthias Ziegler +9F31122+99
8Joscha Mossig +944212+99
11Sascha Tausend +10F32311+1010
12Lukas Volz +15F53142+1515
13Stefan Kadelbach +19F43453+1919

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The result was updated on: 2022-12-08 20:54:15. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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