  • Comment: Casual Rounds over summer

Welcome to the MDGC Summer Social Series. (Dec - Feb)

We are going to hold a series of casual events over the summer. Ideally these will include an All In Bag Tag challenge for those with tags (Club and or Vic). Whether to include this will be at the discrepancy of the event organizer.

These events are open to everyone. You do not need to be a member or have a tag to play in the comp. For insurance purposes you do need to be a member of the ADG. Its free to join and you can do so here. It is just a way to keep the disc golf community connected while we take a break from the Social Days.  It will also be a great way to train new event organizers with a soft start and get Metrix ratings for any new players ahead of the official social days resuming in February of 2023.

The goal is to run at least one event at each of our Melbourne courses, but this will be dependent on someone stepping up and running them.

These will be free events based on raw score only and there are currently no plans for prizes.  We may use the SSS to trial some things that we plan to use in 2023 such as electronic hole prizes and possible divisional standing (no promise of prizes). This will be dependent on the overall numbers. 

If you are interested in running one of these events at your local course, then please contact me. No experience necessary. I will help you with it. 

It would be great if you could also run a short come try day before for an hour prior to the social round but this is not mandatory. Again, we can help you with this by supplying promotional information and course signage and probably a volunteer or two to assist. This is your chance to help grow the sport. The numbers will be limited so that we are not over run.

Best Regards

Jeff Brunsting

Email: Jeff@melbournediscgolf.com 

Phone: 0409 827 784


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