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  • Comment: Two Disc Challenge, one disc must be blue, one must be white

This is part of the MDGC Summer Social Series. (Dec - Jan)

As the name implies, for this round of 18 holes, you will only be able to use two discs for the competition. You can carry two of the same molds just in case you lose one. For a bit of fun, and to get us using discs we wouldn't normally use, the name of this comp means that one disc must be blue and the other must be white, in recognition of Melb Eagles Club colours. The two backup discs can be any colour.

As this is a different event where you don't throw your normal set of discs, Metrix Ratings will not be affected for this round. 

This will include an All In Bag Tag challenge for those with tags (Club and or Vic). 

These events are open to everyone. You do not need to be a member or have a tag to play in the comp. For insurance purposes you do need to be a member of the ADG. Its free to join and you can do so here. It is just a way to keep the disc golf community connected while we take a break from the Social Days. 

This will be a free event based on raw score only and there are currently no plans for prizes. 


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