
02/19/23 07:41 Golfstart|Holtan Discgolf Park (HDP) → Vinter laoyout (Hull 3-14)|NORWAY, Vestfold og Telemark, Horten


  • Registration start: 02/17/23 10:43 +01:00
  • Registration end: 02/19/23 17:00 +01:00
  • Maximum number of players: 50
  • The number of registered players: 17

 Registered on
1Cato Berg02/17/23 10:34:31
2JENS PETTER BECKMANN02/17/23 12:25:10
3Rune Hansson02/17/23 12:27:12
4hans malvin bjørge hansen02/17/23 12:43:26
5Lars Hansen02/17/23 13:32:26
6Hendrik Skarpeid02/18/23 17:09:42
7Espen De Lange02/19/23 10:39:15
8roar birkeland02/19/23 10:41:25
9Christian Holm Edvardsen02/19/23 10:49:19
10Kristian Moen02/19/23 10:49:29
11Jonatan Holm Edvardsen02/19/23 10:49:35
12Jon Due02/19/23 11:23:51
13Tommy Johansen02/19/23 11:23:54
14Joakim Johnsen02/19/23 11:24:33
15Ann-Therese Grøv02/19/23 11:24:43
16André Frode Fridtjof Fridtjofsen02/19/23 12:48:16
17Vetle Jahr02/19/23 12:48:16


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