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  • Comment: Fun doubles event @ Sibbe Tyyni X layout

Course information


Course map can be downloaded HERE.

#1 | 72 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway

#2 | 226 m | Par 4

  • OB on right
  • OB pond on left

#3 | 94 m | Par 3

  • RESTRICTED AREA. Two mandatories, must throw through the gate. If missed, continue from DZ, +1.

#4 | 108 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway

#5 | 115 m | Par 3

#6 | 182 m | Par 4

#7 | 76 m | Par 3

#8 | 161 m | Par 4

#9 | 75 m | Par 3

  • RESTRICTED AREA. Mandatory on left (flag pole), must be passed from right. If missed, continue from DZ (tee=dz), +1.
  • HAZARD. The basket is surrounded with hazard. If your discs ends hazard, continue from there with penalty.
  • OB further on right (hole 10)

#10 | 84 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway

#11 | 157 m | Par 4

  • OB further on right (hole 10) and further on left (pond)

#12 | 113 m | Par 3

  • OB pond
  • OB on right and behind the basket

#13 | 88 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway

#14 | 103 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway

#15 | 105 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway
  • HAZARD area before the basket. If your discs ends hazard, continue from there with penalty.

#16 | 62 m | Par 3

#17 | 179 m | Par 4

  • OB around the fairway
  • RESTRICTED AREA. Mandatory on right, must be passed from left. If missed, continue from DZ, +1.
  • NOTE! Mandatory is located on OB area. If the disc goes OB and misses mando, it's a mando miss. It doesn't matter where the disc ends up.

#18 | 108 m | Par 3

  • OB around the fairway
  • RESTRICTED AREA. Mandatory on right, must be passed from left. If missed, continue from DZ, +1.
  • NOTE! Mandatory is located on OB area. If the disc goes OB and misses mando, it's a mando miss. It doesn't matter where the disc ends up.