
07/20/23 18:00|Rakokivi DG → 18 – Par 57 (2022)|FINLAND, Etelä-Suomi, Päijät-Häme, Lahti

  • Comment: Tämä kilpailu on osa Lahti Open 2023 kokonaisuutta


  • Registration start: 06/22/23 19:00 +03:00
  • Registration end: 07/20/23 12:00 +03:00
  • Maximum number of players: 90
  • Wildcards: 5
GeneralSFL license required;
MA1 Mixed Amateur 1PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 970;
FA1 Womens Amateur 1Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 875;
MA3 Mixed Amateur 3PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
FA3 Womens Amateur 3Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 775;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 775;
MA40 Mixed Amateur 40+Age >= 40; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 40; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 920;
FA40 Womens Amateur 40+Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 820;
MJ18 Junior ≤ 18Age <= 18; PDGA classification = A; PDGA membership is active ;
FJ18 Junior Girls ≤ 18Age <= 18; Gender = F; PDGA classification = A; PDGA membership is active ;



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