
05/06/23 20:46 Golfstart|Parc de Loire → Départ bleu|FRANCE, Loiret, Saint-Denis-en-Val

    1Nicolas AUDAT 0F522233453029
    2Olivier Jaire +1F335252343+130
    3Grégory VERZEAUX +2F444353242+231
    3benjamin bouaoune +2F435443233+231
    5Guillaume Guérin +6F435463334+635
    6Leo front+11F646563343+1140
    6Louis front+11F448454344+1140
    8Baudoin Fesneau +12F746453354+1241
    8Fabien CLOUET +12F545575343+1241
    10Matheo wallon +13F645653355+1342
    11Guillaume BegDem +14F556464454+1443
    12Justin Rose+16F753644574+1645
    13Jean Luc front+26F668485675+2655

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    The result was updated on: 2023-05-07 12:11:40. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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