
    2023 Season 2 MDGC Social Days Guidelines:

    2023 Season 2 Schedule:

    Stony Creek/Heathdale Glen Orden/Little Blind Creek

    • 1st weekend of each month
    • Alternating Saturdays & Sunday mornings
    • 8am or 1030am rounds.  Shotgun start.  Capped at 72 Players

    Bald Hill

    • 2nd weekend of each month
    • Alternating Saturdays & Sunday mornings
    • 8am or 1030am rounds.  Shotgun start.  Capped at 72 Players

    Ruffey Lake

    • 3rd weekend of each month
    • Alternating Saturdays & Sunday mornings
    • 8am or 1030am rounds.  Shotgun start.  Capped at 72 Players


    See Metrix for exact dates as changes may occur due to unexpected circumstances. 

    Social days will be posted on Facebook ~ 2 weeks prior to each event when registration opens


    Changes for 2023:

    MDGC Social Days are about meeting and mixing with other Disc Golfers, improving your skills along with some friendly competition.  With rapidly increasing player numbers and a wide range of playing experience and abilities, we also want to give more people an opportunity to “win” a prize. 

    For 1st half 2023, we are making the following changes:

    3 Divisions based on Metrix rating – winners based on HC results.

    Using Metrix ratings at registration we will split players into 3 Divisions.  There will be a Handicap prize for each division (with =>3 players) at each event during the season.  If less than 3 players then that division will be merged with an adjacent division (eg B+C or A+B) based on evenly distributing player numbers for that particular social day and one less prize will be offered.


    Div A – Over 875 – Handicap Winner

    Div B – 775 to 875 – Handicap winner

    Div C – below 775 – Handicap winner

    • Note: Unfortunately Metrix does not currently provide the functionality of a HC results table by division, however Sam Stoia has developed a live API that can provide this Division HC information via our website – https://www.melbournediscgolf.com/social-day-results/

    First time/no Metrix rating (Div X) - First time players continue to have free entry.  Players without a Metrix rating (requires 3 completed rounds) will be assigned to Division X and have the opportunity to win CTB prizes.

    Non-Members – Non members are welcome to join our social days after paying the non-member fee of $12.  If they have a Metrix rating then they can compete for the HC prize in their Division.

    Online CTBs by Division:

    To further increase opportunities for a variety of players to win, we intend to have 3 CTBs assigned to each of the 3 Divisions (A,B & C).   Division X players numbers vary dramatically and are usually new players and they will be able to compete for Div C CTB. 

    To simplify organizer tasks and materials required at each Social Day we will use an online google form for CTBs, with only a flag needed for each CTB hole.  The link to the google form can be found here:   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfRwV8ULd0h7p4zHJBR0x8cvw9vQKR52vkZXrpU_duD4tSKg/viewform?pli=1&pli=1

    Multiple Prize Winners: 

    If a single player wins multiple prizes on the day, then they will be awarded one of these prizes & the other prizes will be awarded to 2nd place finishers in either the respective CTB or HC category.  This will be determined by the SD Coordinator on the day.  

    Electronic prizes:

    To simplify prize issuance, all prizes will be sent electronically after the event based on Metrix results for HC prizes and the CTB Google form for CTBs.  These prizes will be sent to the email address used to register for the event, so please ensure this email address is correct.


    Season 2 Prizes:

    Season prizes will be based on raw score results (converted to dynamic points – like 2022) from the best 8 results of 15 events in the first half of the year.   The number and size of season 1 prizes will be determined by the Board.



    Entry to Social Days will be free for MDGC Members and to first time social day players.  The Non-Member entry fee will be $12, payable through the MDGC online store.  No cash will be accepted on the day.

    Registration will be open ~2 weeks prior to each event and will be announced on Facebook and the MDGC website.   Please login to your Metrix account to register.

    1. The registration form does have a number of questions regarding club membership, photography permissions & questions for new players and U18 players that help us group players.
    2. Players will need to select their tee time and grouping, in order to manage numbers across the 2 tee times.  Metrix administrators will shuffle groups (not tee times) to manage new players & balance numbers around the course. 

    There will be a short players meeting 10 mins prior to each round which will cover course set-up, prize sponsorship, confirm groupings & any special considerations for the day.

    Bag-Tag Challenge:

    At each Social Day, MDGC members play for the lowest bag tag in each group.  Tags will be issued to members at the beginning of each year and it is expected that each member brings their tag to each event.  At the end of each social day, tags are swapped based on lowest raw score in your groups. Members are encouraged to play for tags in casual rounds outside of the social days as well. It adds a bit of friendly competition to the casual rounds.


    The MDGC Ace Club is back for 2023.

    The Ace pool has been a part of the MDGC culture for a long time, so we want to keep the Ace pool going but in an electronic and easy to manage format.  For more information and to join, please use the attached link.




    A big shout out to our Sponsors that make these prizes possible.   Please check them out by clicking on their links in the Metrix events through out the season

    Background Information:

    Metrix Handicap System:

    The Metrix handicap system will be used to provide players of all abilities an opportunity to win the HC prize by playing well compared to their handicap.  Players will receive a Metrix rating after playing 3 competition rounds at a rated course (BH, SC or RL).

    For those who want to know, your Metrix handicap is determined by:

    (1000- [your Metrix rating])/(course stroke rating)

    BH, SC & RL currently have course stroke rating of 12, so a 760 rated player would have a HC of 20.


    Season Points system.

    The 2022 season champion will be determined by a Metrix points system based on raw score finishing position across each player’s best 8 of 15 events.  Because we have field sizes that can vary substantially, we are going to use the Dynamic points-based system within Metrix (explained below). 


    Dynamic points system:

    The winner of each event will receive 100 pts, with points scaled down to 1 based on the number of players in each event.  The median placed finisher (eg 15th out of 30) will receiving 50pts.  In the event of a tied position, then each player would receive maximum points for that finishing position & field size.

    See example from Bald Hill Feb 13th Social Day:



    Eq 10th


    Eq 20th


    Equal 1st










    Eq 22nd








    Eq 4th


    Eq 14th


















    Eq 17th




    Eq 8th













    Melbourne Disc Golf Proshop
    Outright Plumbing


    What would you like to share?