
1Alexander Sessler -4F322422343-425
1Christian Reinsch -4F223422244-425
3Frederick Biniok 0F333522344029
4Thomas Witte +1F333334434+130
4Daniel Brodbeck +1F433332444+130
6Moritz Katzer +3F443424245+332
7Peter Fritschi +4F445432344+433
8Steve urtel +5F333535336+534
9joseph hanke +6F362624345+635
10Fabian Gerig +8F533434456+837
11Christian Tanner +106844446+1030
12Mercedès Fritschi +14F544745545+1443
13Daniel Schulte +18F555935447+1847

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The result was updated on: 2023-09-05 20:11:23.

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