Head to head
Detailed results
- Place:
- 65
- Score round:
- 45
- To par:
- -9
- Round rating:
- 866
Roberts Pēkšens
- Place:
- 4
- Score round:
- 35
- To par:
- -19
- Round rating:
- 986
Uku Gregor Randes
- Place:
- 27
- Score round:
- 39
- To par:
- -15
- Round rating:
- 938
Hole 3 - OB island under the basket. Play like normal OB with a penalty stroke
Hole 4 - Double mando, rethrow if missed
Hole 11 - Mando, play left of it. Rethrow if missed
Hole 17 - Every miss takes you to the next DZ, continue without a penalty stroke
Hole 18 - Discs can fall out, no worries, it still counts
Best male and female player will be awarded on Sunday.