
10/17/23 10:00 Golfstart|Nummenmäki DiscGolfPark → DGP-21 (2017)|FINLAND, Uusimaa, Hyvinkää

    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
    1Veeti Kemppi -5F234344334332253423233-565
    2Eelis Mattila -4F334332224243353433334-466
    3Joonatan Jaatinen -2F334342334343333433424-268
    4Lauri Saarinen -1F334443343334342433324-169
    5Anton Tarjanne 0F235343334363252424234070
    6Markus Arvela +1F255234343333352434244+171
    7Riku Salminen +2F254352424254242533434+272
    7Elmeri Laaksonen +2F336434424333253333326+272
    9Miio Korhonen +4F335353444352343434324+474
    10Mikko Kuhanen +10F334253424444264545525+1080
    11Justus Seppänen +18F344553344362356456337+1888

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    The result was updated on: 2023-10-17 12:29:03. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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