  • Comment: Casual round to help get the new Bicentennial course rated

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1TSUNG-CHI CHOU (Peter) -5F333224333323332332-550
1Jesper Berg Axelsen -5F222424223423423333-550
3Allen Brunsting -4F333323322343234323-451
3Darren Stace-Smith -4F332234333233342233-451
5Tim Ware -3F333333224323333333-352
5Sam Barnett -3F233334332333333233-352
7Doug Adams -2F423434222333333333-253
8Zsolt Csatlos 0F223354233334333333055
8Tarron Anderson 0F433235324334332323055
10Jeff Brunsting +1F332335323324333344+156
10Paul Arden +1F233344333333334333+156
12Kyle Herbertson +2F433434332333433333+257
12Ashley Weidner +2F323434323333343434+257
14Alex Evans +3F323334343444333333+358
15Dan Bradshaw +5F333434334334433343+560
16Blaise Northey +7F333435423433344434+762
17John Koehler +8F333443334433454433+863
18Mark Green +9F334353433344433444+964
19Peter Barry +10F433446323334543524+1065
20Janet Ford-Adams +11F532444434333434535+1166
21Jason Weidner +12F334434523444353445+1267

Hole-by-hole statistics

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