
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 33d3c 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516173e+/-Sum
1Joscha Mossig 0F52323332333333254323060
1Oliver Schwertle 0F33343322233334233443060
1Manfred Pepe Traub 0F25323333343333233333060
4Marc Odenkirchen +4F35342234333333343433+464
4Michel Winkler +4F33533333333343342424+464
6Marcus Winkler +5F33533533334333243333+565
6Thomas Egler +5F24334434333353333333+565
8Andreas Rau +6F43333333334333343444+666
8Joshua Rau +6F35443233333343343343+666
10Benjamin Walther +7F33533323343433373333+767
11James Holland +11F34433343433354343435+1171
12Nico Matsche +13F34343334344344455343+1373
12Marijana Winkler +13F54543434234333345434+1373
14Niklas Ecke +14F33543443344433363534+1474
14Jannik Hensle +14F33543344344344353633+1474
16Dieter Kitsch +15F34543253434434433554+1575

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The result was updated on: 2024-01-07 13:40:12. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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