

  • Registration start: 01/07/24 08:20 +01:00
  • Registration end: 03/16/24 14:00 +01:00
  • Maximum number of players: 72
  • The number of registered players: 26
MJ18 Junior ≤ 18Age <= 18;
FJ18 Junior Girls ≤ 18Age <= 18; Gender = F;
MPO Pro Openall
MP40 Pro Master 40+Age >= 40;
FPO Pro Open WomenGender = F;
FP40 Pro Master Women 40+Age >= 40; Gender = F;
MP50 Pro Master 50+Age >= 50; PDGA membership is active ;

 Junior ≤ 18 (4)Registered on↓
1Sarrazin Adriano03/01/24 12:55:00
2Matihou Rémésy03/14/24 19:48:04
3Léo Reverdy03/14/24 20:18:49
4Hugo Rivaud03/16/24 13:57:30
 Pro Open (3)Registered on↓
1Thomas Peyre02/03/24 20:33:12
2Jean-Roch Belin02/23/24 18:32:53
3Mathias Velle03/10/24 22:12:22
 Pro Master 40+ (14)Registered on↓
1geoffrey mirgon01/07/24 13:17:30
2Sylvère RIBREAU01/07/24 16:17:31
3Cyril Noguès01/09/24 12:56:03
4Patrice NOGUES01/11/24 23:46:26
5Pierril Rémésy01/12/24 21:48:41
6Francis Le Bian01/14/24 14:19:15
7Pascal LATAPIE01/24/24 09:52:32
8Vincent Sarrazin02/10/24 18:58:56
9Yannick Cailloux02/19/24 09:33:04
10Lionel Martinez02/27/24 09:17:12
11Philippe Durand02/27/24 22:22:24
12Gaiffe Frédéric03/09/24 13:00:12
13Fred GASTON03/09/24 13:00:38
14Rivaud Julien03/09/24 13:01:00
 Pro Master Women 40+ (3)Registered on↓
1Anne Laure CHENAL02/26/24 13:01:13
2Amandine Fastré02/27/24 14:43:34
3Julie-Fleur Gouedard03/14/24 19:49:57
 Pro Master 50+ (2)Registered on↓
1Jérôme Singlit01/10/24 17:11:28
2Bernard Lafargue02/14/24 11:29:51


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