
Discgolf Übbser is happy to announce the Lake Park Memorial 2024! 

The tournament will be held in memory to the marvellous site at the "Haus am See" in Ybbs/Donau. We are now able to provide an adequate tournament centre next to holes 5 and 8. This year, the tournament is being held as part of the Austrian Disc Golf Tour 2024 of whicht the Lake Park Memorial is the final stop.

The tournament will be played at an slightly extended layout of the Disc Golf Course "Schleifmühlbach Ybbs", where three rounds will be played. While the rounds on Saturday are played with shotgun starts, Sunday will be played in GolfStart-format.

As last year, we are working on providing a "Sauberhaftes Fest" to reduce the carbon footprint of the tournament. 

Date & Time

This year the LPM can be held at the usual timeframe, June, 22/23. Therefore hot weather for the tournament and a comfortable climate for the players party, Saturday evening, are to be expected. 

Following provisional schedule will be detailled prior to the tournament:

12:00 pm Course ready for training
09:30 am Tee-off round 1 
02:30 pm Tee-off round 2
subsequently  players party with side event
09:00 am Round 3 - tee times will be communicated saturday evening


Arrival via public transport

As green event we want to emphasise, that the course is one of the best available courses in Austria via public transport. The tee of hole 1 is right next to the bus stop "Ybbs/Donau Plankmühle". Directions from anywhere can be found via: 


Arrival via car

motorway (A1 - exit 100 "Ybbs an der Donau") towards Ybbs/Donau - at supermarket "Hofer" turn left - at the end of the street left again into "Unterauer Straße". Limited parking as available at the car park of "wüsterstrom" (https://goo.gl/maps/YbADku44Et75MwHx8). Please note that parking is permittet only on designated parking spots. Parking on grass is forbidden by the land owner. As there are only a limited number of parking spaces please seek to form carpools is arrival by car is necessary.


The tournament will provide following divisons: MPO, FPO, MP40, FP40, MJ18, FJ18

Registration via discgolfmetrix.com is possible in four phases. For details please refer to the registration page.

Registration fee

Divisions Registration Fee
FPO/MPO € 35,-
FJ18/MJ18 € 30,-


Both tournament days, food (incl. vegan option) will be available at reasonable priced (to be paid with registration fee). 

  • Saturday: Goulash  - EUR 10
  • Sunday: Pizza - EUR 10

Food options are to be ordered at registration and paid in advance along with the registration fee! 

Food and drinks at the players party and throughout the tournament will be provided at reasonable prices at the tournament centre. 

For registration fee and catering use bank details below

Verein Discgolf Übbser, Volksbank Ybbs
IBAN:  AT72 4715 0417 8043 0009
Verwendungszweck: LPM24 + Name

Registration fee is to be paid within 2 Weeks after registration (at the latest 4 days before start of the tournament). Players who did not pay their registration fees may be pushed down the waiting list at the discretion of TD.


Please inform the host about disc golf tournament participation. Contact Alois (dr.alois@obernberger.at) if no accomodation can be found. We try our best to assist :)

Gasthof Mang 

Herrengasse 8, 3370 Ybbs a.d. Donau
Tel.: 07412 200 77 
Fax: 07412 200 78
E-Mail: office(at)gasthof-mang.at 

Gasthof Babenbergerhof 

Wienerstraße 10, 3370 Ybbs a.d. Donau
Tel.: 07412 / 54334
Fax: 07412 / 54334 15
E-Mail: office(at)babenbergerhof.at 
Web: http://www.babenbergerhof.at  

Wohnen beim Bäcker - Motel Weinberger 

Stauwerkstraße 85, 3370 Ybbs a. d. Donau
Tel.: +43 7412 545 15
E-Mail: zimmer@frischamtisch.com

Altstadtwohnung Mathilde

Kirchengasse 11, 3370 Ybbs
Mobile: 0676/3401591
E-Mail: ilse@obernberger.at
Web: AirBnB

Gartenappartement Familie Anker 

Mobile: 0676 7206504 
E-Mail: office(at)gartenappartement.at 
Web: www.gartenappartement.at 


Camping for a limited amount of tents (no Vans or Campers) will be provided at the tournament centre at a fee of € 5,-/person/night. A simple (non-water) toilett is available at the tournament centre. Water-toilets and showers (with hot water) are available approx. 300m from the TC and can be used free of charge.

Camping in a van or camper unfortunately is not possible at the TC. However, in Ybbs there are parking spaces at the danube available for overnight stays with a nearby public toilet. Availibility of both parking space and public toilet can not be guaranteed by the tournament organisation.