
09/21/24 - 09/22/24|Disc Golf Parcours Hochrindl 12/18 Bahnen → Hochrindl Parcours|AUSTRIA, Kärnten, Feldkirchen, Albeck

Hochrindl OPEN 2024 AAT from 21.09 to 22.09.2024

The Hochrindl OPEN Disc Golf Austrian Amateur Tour (AAT) Event will take place in 2024. A two-day PDGA C-Tier tournament will be played over three rounds. At this tournament, players without a PDGA rating or with a PDGA rating of <850 in particular can gain experience at a professional disc golf tournament.

PDGA: https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/84726

"Participation in an AAT tournament is also possible without a valid PDGA membership. Participation is generally possible as long as the maximum number of participants in the registration has not yet been exceeded."

At the AAT tournaments, players are divided into divisions according to their rating.

Following divisions will be offered:

  • MPO (PDGA-Rating >=935)
  • FPO (Gender = F)
  • MA2 (PDGA-Rating  <935)
  • MA3 (PDGA-Rating <900) 
  • MA4 (PDGA-Rating <850) 
  • Purple (PDGA Rating <800) 

If there are fewer than three participants in a division, this division will be merged with another. If this is the case, the details will be published in mid-September.

As the parcours area is large, we will start registration early on Saturday and schedule the players meeting and tee-off early.

Please also note:

  • Wildcards will be distributed at the discretion of the TDs.
  • Rating updates:
    • The ratings from the September PDGA update will be taken into account for the final division assignments
    • If you have registered with a different rating, you will keep your starting place, but will play in your current division, thus ensuring fair competition within the divisions

Note: By registering, participants also agree to publish their names, images and video material.


The 18-hole PRO Disc Golf course at Hochrindl will be played with slight modifications.

These will be explained in more detail in the Players Book (sent out at the beginning of September 2024) and at the Players Meeting.

From Friday, 20.09.2024, the course will be available for free practice from 09:00 for registered tournament participants. At this time, all courses will already be available in tournament mode.

Please note that you will be on the Alm at around 1,650 m above sea level: Be sure to bring sturdy and preferably waterproof footwear and a rain outfit!

Location: Disc Golf Parcours Hochrindl next to Herzl-Hütte
Zirbenweg 6, 9571 Sirnitz

GPS and GoogleMaps Link:


Scoring with Metrix will be mandatory during all three rounds. For control purposes, we ask that you also score with PDGA-Live or an alternative.

The flight leaders will provide paper scorecards at registration in case the internet connection should cause problems.

Preliminary time schedule

Friday, 20.09.2024

  • Info: Parking possible at Herzl-Hütte.
  • Training for all registered participants
  • The whole tournament layoit will be able to play starting with 09:00h (incl. all markings)

Saturday, 21.09.2024 (Subject to change with notice)

  • Info: Parking only at big parking place.
  • 07:45h to 8:30h       Registration at Herzl-Hütte
  • 08:40h                      Short Players Meeting in front of Herzl Hütte (please, have a look at the Caddie Book)
  • 09:30h                        Tee-off round 1 (canon start)
  • Appr. 12:00h to 13:45h Lunch served at the Herzl Hütte
  • Appr. ca. 14:15h                  Tee-off round 2 (canon start)
  • A cozy close of day 1 after round 2 in the Herzl-Hütte.
  • A CTP contest will take place as a side event on Saturday evening from around 18:00h: 3 attempts with your own discs on lane 16. There are again great prizes to be won at the award ceremony on Sunday! 


Sunday, 22.09.2024 (Subject to change with notice)

  • Info: Parking only at big parking place.
  • Until 08:45h               Registration at Herzl-Hütte
  • 09:30h                        Tee-off round 3 (canon start)
  • At around 12:00h            Lunch served at the Herzl Hütte
  • Tied game à Play-off: In the event of split podium places, there will be a jump-off for all divisions: first place will be decided by a jump-off, in the case of split second and third places, it is only a question of the allocation of prizes.
  • Afterwards at approx. 13:30h - award ceremony in front of the Herzl Hütte.

Registration fee / Payment information

Bitte beachtet die Startplatz und Wartelisten Regelung

Entry Fee for all divisions: 35,00 €
Receiver: UNION Disc Golf Verein Hochrindl
IBAN: AT27 3947 5000 0193 1807
Intended use: „HO-AAT-2024“ + [Name]

You could use the following QR-Code in your bank account app,
replace the place holder [Name] with „Firstname, Surname“.
Example: HO-AAT-2024 – Helmut, Martin

Direct payment with QR – Code:

Start place & Waiting list

Starting places are reserved for 2 weeks after registration (Metrix registration date).
Please transfer the entry fee during this time to secure your fixed starting place.
After that, the time of payment (receipt in the bank account) counts and waiting list places will be prioritized if payment is received earlier. We update the status in Metrix 1 - 2 times a week.


We will refund the tournament fees if:

  • we are unable to hold this event contrary to expectations
  • participation is canceled at least 1 week before the event (including 14.09.)
  • in case of short-term illness or other prevention, please always inform the TD!


Parking is free of charge at the big parking space of Hochrindl. Please do not park at the Herzl-Hütte on Saturday and Sunday, as the parking lots are closed for the tournament at the weekend. If you are staying at the JUFA, you can park directly there.

GPS-Coordinates and GoogleMaps to big parking space at Hochrindl:

  • 46.866179848888336, 13.99973533750833

Eat & Drink

You will be provided with food and drinks at the tournament in the Herzl-Hütte!
Please, select the food when you register. Price for information.
Please, pay for the food on site and do NOT include a bank transfer!

You can choose from the following vegetarian and meat dishes:

  • Day1 Saturday
    • Soups each EUR 5,00:
      • T1SuN: Beef soup with semolina dumplings
      • T1SuV: Pumpkin cream soup
    • Main dishes esach EUR 11,00:
      • T1HsN: Minced patties with puree and vegetables
      • T1HsV: Lentil curry with rice
  • Day2 Sunday
    • Soups each EUR 4,80:
      • T2SuN: Beef soup with frittatas
      • T2SuV: Garlic cream soup
    • Main dishes each EUR 11,00:
      • T2HsN: Stuffed chicken fillet with spaetzle and vegetabl
      • T2HsV: Vegetable lasagne with a small salad


Drinks are also served on site with payment on site.

There will also be refreshment stations along the course with mineral water, fruit and muesli bars.


There are WC facilities for men and women directly in the Herzl-Hütte.


Directly on site:

  • You can also contact Marta Zaagsma, who rents out apartments and cabins:
    • Tel: +43 (0) 664 15 52 730


Contact information:

Extended Organisationteam

Markus Göschl, Anton Präprost

Parcours support

Disc Golf Parcours Hochrindl managed by Edelbert DÖRFLER and Franz NADRAG.

WhatsApp-Group for tournament will be created soon!


Links to tournament and PDGA rules

AAT-tournament rules of the Austrian Disc Golf Association https://www.discgolf.at/turniere/austrian-amateur-discgolf-tour-aat/

Further general PDGA tournament rules:




Herzl-Hütte Hochrindl
TV Hochrindl
CHP Werbetechnik
SHL Hochrindl Lifte GmbH
EPS Leichtbeton GmbH
Gemeinde Albeck
Jufa Hotels Nockberge
Sportunion Kärnten
Raiffeisen Mittelkärnten
Gemeinde Deutsch Griffen
Wurzelstark Duo


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