03/10/24 08:00|Bicentennial Park Chelsea Heights → 1|AUSTRALIA, VIC, Melbourne
Melbourne Disc Golf Social Days
Welcome to a fun morning of disc golf with MDGC.
This year we are spreading our social days across 6 courses in 3 regions of Melbourne.
1st Weekend: West (Little Blind Creek- Melton, Heathdale Glen - Werribbee),
2nd Weekend: SouthEast (Bald Hill-Clarinda, Bicentennial - Chelsea)
3rd Weekend: NorthEast (Llewellyn - Wantirna & Ruffey Lake - Doncaster)
You will have the choice of an 8am or 10:30am tee time. You will need to go to the registration screen, and select the tee time that suits you best. You will see it displayed as “Group 1 : 8:00am”, which means you’ll be starting on Hole 1 at 8am. Your hole assignment may need to be altered slightly to allow for even groups and course traffic, however your tee time will not be changed.
Your round should take you roughly 2 hours to complete, though it may be slightly longer if player numbers are high
The signup page will ask you for an Australian Disc Golf Number. All players must have this for insurance purposes, so if you have not registered for that yet, you can get yours for free here.
To sign up :
- Go to the registration tab in Metrix
- Click ‘register’
- Enter your name
- Select “Melbourne Disc Golf Club’ if you are a member, if you are not a member, leave as "other"
- Metrix will assign you a Division based on your Metrix rating & MDGC Member Status (This is new).
- Choose your group, and tee time. Ensure you have selected a group that starts at the time you wish to play
- Enter your email for contact and prize issuance purposes
- Enter your ADG number
- Answer the privacy questions
- Process your payment if you are a non-member - Please use the PayPal system as part of Metrix registration as this automatically shows you have paid to the Organisers (first time players and members are free)
- Enter the name of a player you would like to play with, if you are a first time player.
- Click register
To join the club or renew your membership please click here.
To give all members a chance to win a prize we will continue to split players into 3 Divisions, based on Metrix rating, with each Division competing for a Handicap prize as well as a Closest to the Basket. We anticipate that this will appeal to all players no matter where they are on their Disc Golf improvement journey. New members without a Metrix Rating (need 3 rounds) will be assigned to Division X and can compete for the Div A CTB.
Non-members (who are not 1st time SD players) are expected to pay their casual fees $12 as part of the registration process (using PayPal within Metrix) as this automatically shows "paid" status and reduces admin load for organisers. The icon on our club shop can be used as a back-up here .
Non-members will automatically be assigned to Division Z by Metrix based on the club member listing in Metrix at the time. Div Z will be able to compete for the Divisional CTB prizes based on their Metrix Rating (Or Div A if no rating)
Closest to the Basket will be managed electronically this year. Enter your CTB via this google link:
See our website for Parking and facilities at each course: here.
We look forward to seeing you on the day,