
1Iivari Raittinen -9F432222343324324233332-959
2Harri Lähdesmäki -5F433322243324524233333-563
3Atte Pohjalainen -1F323322343244444434342-167
3Kaapo Saloranta -1F422323323336344345233-167
5Tuomas Malinen +4F433332343335534345333+472
6Alpo Malinen +5F532333433335444435333+573
7Harri Pohjalainen +8F433424443334554434433+876
7Jan Sundell +8F533343553335534244333+876
9Janne Viitala +11F633343443335444634334+1179
10Santeri Sarkanen +14F742434643236534335524+1482

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The result was updated on: 2024-04-13 16:38:20. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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