
15.06.2024 2. ringi GRUPID | Round 2 GROUPS


 Head võistlejad! |  Dear competitors!

2. ringi grupid leiate järgmistelt aadressidelt / Round 2 groups can be found on following links:


Disc Golf Metrix

CTP - rada 1 | hole 1

Meestele ja naistele eraldi auhinnad | Separate prizes for men and women.

PDGA märkimine (PDGA Live) | PDGA scoring (PDGA Live)

PDGA Live on ametlik skoorkaart | PDGA Live is official scorecard
Link: https://www.pdga.com/score
Ürituse kood / Access code: Pühajärve

PDGA Live App on alla laaditav / PDGA Live App can be downloaded

Download on the App Store    Get it on Google Play

Check-In: Palun teostage see 1. tiiala juures kl 8.45-9.15. Mängijapaki saate kätte 1. ringi jaoks Check-ini tehes. | Please do check-in at the 1st tee from 8:45 till 9.15. You'll get the Players' Pack by Check-in for Round 1.

Võistluse ajakava | Time Schedule: https://discgolfmetrix.com/2919054&view=info#Ajakava




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