
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Myke -5F334323332332333432-552
2David PIEL +11F443444533453525433+1168
3Loïc MOUSTER +14F344534453343346634+1471
4Kévin DUGUY +18F464444543533436643+1875
5Olga GUITARD +19F563435644752445432+1976
6Benjamin Guillon +9F353334424432336554+966
7Matéo Piel +32F585554554543357655+3289
8Francis Le Bian +6F343333534434334533+663
9Terreaux Jean-Pierre +16F443434633653445534+1673
10Quentin Van Den Bongaard +7F663432433333245532+764
11Charley Godefin +6F345233333343434544+663
11Davy Labarrère +6F353433543333325434+663

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The result was updated on: 2024-09-14 13:02:42.

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