
10/20/24 09:30|Orivesi DiscGolfPark → Orivesi 2020|FINLAND, Pirkanmaa, Orivesi


  • Registration start: 08/20/24 19:00 +03:00
  • Registration end: 10/13/24 23:59 +03:00
  • Maximum number of players: 72
  • The number of registered players: 18
  • Wildcards: 5
GeneralSFL license required;
MA1 Mixed Amateur 1PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 970;
FA1 Womens Amateur 1Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 875;
MA40 Mixed Amateur 40+Age >= 40; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 40; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 920;
FA40 Womens Amateur 40+Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 820;
MA50 Mixed Amateur 50+Age >= 50; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 50; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 910;
MA3 Mixed Amateur 3PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
FA3 Womens Amateur 3Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 775;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 775;
MJ15 Junior ≤ 15Age <= 15; PDGA classification = Am; PDGA membership is active ;
FJ15 Junior Girls ≤ 15Age <= 15; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Am; PDGA membership is active ;

 Mixed Amateur 1 (7)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listConfirmedRegistered on↓
1 Aatu Pesonen215585965OF ryYes08/21/24 12:02:00
2 Petri Talvinen116500921Oriveden frisbeegolf ryYes08/26/24 14:23:04
3 Iiro Järventausta250319925JyLi ryYes09/04/24 13:52:52
4 Miko Rapo284033921VlkDG ryYes09/22/24 13:16:22
5 Olli Ropponen183147927KaVo DGYes10/17/24 15:45:50
6 Topias Malmivuori275983919TFSYes10/18/24 12:59:05
7 Ville Ärrälä256476902Jämsän Frisbeegolf ryYes10/19/24 01:12:40
 Mixed Amateur 40+ (3)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listConfirmedRegistered on↓
1 Ossi Harinen86085899VlkDG ryYes08/23/24 16:07:16
2 Jussi Jatkola160478877DG RollersYes08/27/24 14:56:25
3 Jani Hellgren276072854DG RollersYes10/13/24 23:10:25
 Mixed Amateur 50+ (2)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listConfirmedRegistered on↓
1 Kai Uusikartano284363857VlkDG ryYes09/20/24 20:27:00
2 Marko Hämäläinen117760875Mifg ryYes10/19/24 19:05:54
 Mixed Amateur 3 (6)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listConfirmedRegistered on↓
1 Jari Järvenpää275984891OF ryYes09/20/24 12:09:30
2 Ilmari Eerola280450882TTYes10/08/24 12:44:36
3 Eemil Laine54717858NoFSYes10/09/24 12:09:59
4 Veikko Hautakangas282166896LemKiDGYes10/15/24 10:54:03
5 Emil Tiainen287761863KaVo DGYes10/17/24 17:05:03
6 Veeti Panttila217918868Frisbeegolf Club LaihiaYes10/18/24 23:45:31

Registration statistics

Mixed Amateur 1:70
Womens Amateur 1:0
Mixed Amateur 40+:30
Womens Amateur 40+:0
Mixed Amateur 50+:20
Mixed Amateur 3:60
Womens Amateur 3:0
Junior ≤ 15:0
Junior Girls ≤ 15:0
The number of registered players:18720
Used wildcards:05