

    • Registration start: 09/10/24 10:00 +:00
    • Registration end: 09/15/24 10:00 +:00
    • Maximum number of players: 36
    • The number of registered players: 33

     Registered on
    1Alistair Morley09/10/24 12:09:47
    2Billy Wilson09/10/24 12:09:55
    3Damian Musci09/10/24 12:10:00
    4Daniel Blackbourne09/10/24 12:10:06
    5Daniel Murphy09/10/24 12:10:12
    6David Hesse09/10/24 12:10:16
    7Don Carter09/10/24 12:10:24
    8Duncan McIntosh09/10/24 12:10:29
    9Emily Ward09/10/24 12:10:33
    10Gez Clancy09/10/24 12:10:37
    11Glen Ralston09/10/24 12:10:42
    12John Baker09/10/24 12:10:50
    13John Cranstoun09/10/24 12:10:56
    14Jonathan Martin09/10/24 12:11:17
    15Juan rueda09/10/24 12:11:27
    16Mark Carter09/10/24 12:11:32
    17Marlon Gonsalves09/10/24 12:11:36
    18Matt Mutter09/10/24 12:11:42
    19Oliver Morley09/10/24 12:11:47
    20Paul Baker09/10/24 12:11:51
    21Rhys de Jager09/10/24 12:11:55
    22stuart ward09/10/24 12:11:59
    23wayne govan09/10/24 12:12:05
    24Wayne Hood09/10/24 12:12:09
    25Zander Coulter09/10/24 12:12:13
    26Alex no109/10/24 19:46:30
    27Alex Paraskevas09/11/24 08:44:18
    28Jarrod09/12/24 19:20:12
    29Kyle Gould09/14/24 23:30:35
    30Aaron Pi-can't-y09/14/24 23:34:40
    31dave vorstenbosch09/14/24 23:35:16
    32Landon Coulter09/14/24 23:35:49
    33Sue Donnelly09/14/24 23:36:30


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