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  • Comment: Osalustasu 7€, millest 1€ HIO. HIO 0€+. Kohapealne registreerimine 16:00-16:45 ringi algus 17:00. Mängitakse 1x18 suverada OB-dega. Noored alla 18a osalus 2€. Stebby: https://app.stebby.eu/event/9677

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
PRO (19)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Margus Puusepp -12F222222322222342233-1242
2Tarmo Veskemaa -8F322222223232333433-846
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit50%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111111112175%
Inside bullseye putt8
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit33%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts1111111111100%
Inside bullseye putt6
5Karl Hurt -6F234222423342332322-648
5Kalev Kalm -6F322222333333243323-648
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit39%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts111111111282%
Inside bullseye putt7
Bullseye hit33%
Green hit67%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts11111211550%
Inside bullseye putt11
8Henri Kink -4F322332332323343333-450
Bullseye hit22%
Green hit39%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts1111111175%
Inside bullseye putt12
10Indrek Tääts -2F343222333333333324-252
12Hans-Christian Hausenberg -1F222344433333342323-153
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit17%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts11111167%
Inside bullseye putt14
14Kris Saia +1F324322433333333254+155
14Margus Jansen +1F323332323333443245+155
14Huko Laanoja +1F232323434443433323+155
17Romek Hanson +2F326323433422334324+256
17Maarek Gergalo +2F243333424333323344+256
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit39%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts112111111127%
Inside bullseye putt15
SEMI-PRO (19)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Bullseye hit11%
Green hit50%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111111121167%
Inside bullseye putt9
Bullseye hit11%
Green hit39%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111180%
Inside bullseye putt13
Bullseye hit11%
Green hit33%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts11111111156%
Inside bullseye putt11
3Kristjan Kärner -3F432242433232343322-351
3Allan LOO -3F333333334322332332-351
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit33%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts1211112170%
Inside bullseye putt9
Bullseye hit11%
Green hit50%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts1111111111211167%
Inside bullseye putt8
7Kevin Jaaska -2F333332433233342323-252
9Erki Luik -1F332332533332232335-153
9Timo Kaasik -1F523223343333423224-153
11Mariina Tellisaar 0F323333343324343242054
11Reimo Kool 0F334422323333343333054
11Sander Kasela 0F335322333323243334054
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit17%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts111111171%
Inside bullseye putt11
11Mark Sepp 0F334323433323433332054
16Karl Kokk +1F335323343323333423+155
17Andrus Maileht +3F433333343223363423+357
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts12121112167%
Inside bullseye putt10
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit17%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts11111111156%
Inside bullseye putt13
INT (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jaan Kupri -5F323232333333433222-549
2Peep Post-Tiidor -3F432232233324342333-351
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit44%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts111112111121153%
Inside bullseye putt9
3Janely Reinberg -2F332233333333333333-252
5Ulvar Aarn -1F333332333344224323-153
6Moris Dietrich 0F532322543333333232054
6Tanel Rebane 0F332334424233333324054
6Aivo Koppel 0F333242333343333333054
6Aigar Vaher 0F323333433333342423054
10Reijo Klade +1F233333333534242342+155
11Mirko Kool +3F333333333532433334+357
11Toomas Paavilainen +3F343232434443343233+357
AM (14)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Sergei Sanin +1F323233434443332333+155
2Taavi Liias +2F323342533234443323+256
3Kaspar Kiisk +3F325332325434342333+357
4Jaanika Aruots +4F343433333343343333+458
5Sander Jürgenson +5F433333343343433235+559
6marten prokuda +6F343553333333323524+660
6Keron Kappet +6F333443344334333334+660
8Mihkel Käärik +7F344442333333343534+761
9Kati Uusmaa +8F335333334433344353+862
9Liis Kindel +8F433433344333444433+862
11Rico Kapsi +11F433543333443443534+1165
12Maarika Mihhailova +12F335443345344444333+1266
13Kaarel Leetsaar +15F334363444444535433+1569
14Krist Vahterwuud +31F3354445655546553103+3185

Hole-by-hole statistics

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The result was updated on: 2024-10-06 18:37:01. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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Kohapealne registreerimine 16:00 - 16:45. Võistluse algus 17:00. Mängitakse Respo 1x18 korviga suverada OB-dega.

  • Osalustasu on 7€, millest 1€ läheb holaripotti.
  • Noored alla 18a on osalus 2€.
  • Divisjonid:
    1. PRO (930+)
    2. SEMIO-PRO (900-929)
    3. INT (860-899)
    4. AM (<860)
  • Null reitinguga mängijad paigutab divisjoni võistluse korraldaja!
  • Auhinnalised kohad kujunevad vastavalt osalejate arvule.
    kuni 8 osalejat = 1 auhinnaline koht
    kuni 9-17 osalejat = 2 auhinnalist kohta
    18 ja rohkem osalejat = 3 auhinnalist koht


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