11/30/24 11:00|Palace of Pioneers → Зимняя схема 2025 (TS20+3 без OB)|RUSSIA, Москва
Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating
No | Name | Rating of Metrix | Rating of score | Change |
1 | Georgii Ilyushin | 674 | 741 | 67 |
2 | Evgeny Esingildinov | 854 | 910.04 | 56.04 |
3 | Sergey Gurov | 930 | 966.38 | 36.38 |
4 | Igor Goncharov | 780 | 806.74 | 26.74 |
5 | Aleksey Grigoriev | 748 | 769.18 | 21.18 |
6 | Igor Ekimtsov | 880 | 900.65 | 20.65 |
7 | Alex Gromakov | 743 | 741 | -2 |
8 | Anton Gromakov | 839 | 816.13 | -22.87 |
9 | Olga Shermergor | 714 | 684.66 | -29.34 |
10 | Aleksey Trunilin | 736 | 703.44 | -32.56 |
11 | Max Skobelev | 807 | 769.18 | -37.82 |
12 | Владимир Бычков | 820 | 759.78 | -60.22 |
13 | Max Kondratev | 838 | 769.18 | -68.82 |
14 | Анастасия Малюта | 224.51 | 224.51 |
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View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | TableThe result was updated on: 2024-11-30 13:12:44. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used
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