Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating
No | Name | Rating of Metrix | Rating of score | Change |
1 | Leah Bizier | 722 | 805.65 | 83.65 |
2 | Geir Bengtsson | 958 | 1023.32 | 65.32 |
3 | Markus Pohjolainen | 1006 | 1064.78 | 58.78 |
4 | Sanna Ahlgren | 843 | 898.94 | 55.94 |
5 | Veikko Kemp | 908 | 961.13 | 53.13 |
6 | jarkko mietinen | 894 | 930.03 | 36.03 |
7 | Andreas Havnegjerde | 1022 | 1033.69 | 11.69 |
8 | Niko Uusitalo | 883 | 888.57 | 5.57 |
9 | Kalle Vähä-Touru | 900 | 898.94 | -1.06 |
10 | Lasse Lehtovirta | 836 | 816.01 | -19.99 |
11 | Mikko Wikman | 917 | 857.48 | -59.52 |
Hole-by-hole statistics
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Winner of handicapped results (MetrixRating HC) gets a 50 € voucher to Proshop. Sponsored by Jake the Gold Bar.