

  • Registration start: 12/29/24 16:18 +02:00
  • Registration end: 01/04/25 11:30 +02:00
  • Maximum number of players: 72
  • The number of registered players: 12
MPO Pro OpenPDGA membership is active ;
MA3 Mixed Amateur 3PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
MJ18 Junior ≤ 18Age <= 18; PDGA classification = Am; PDGA membership is active ;

 Pro Open (11)Registered on↓
1Roope Siponen01/04/25 11:16:31
2Jaakko Punkero01/04/25 11:16:31
3Harri Salonen01/04/25 11:16:31
4Joona Korhonen01/04/25 11:16:31
5Jukka Vieri01/04/25 11:16:31
6Miro Lindblom01/04/25 11:16:31
7Ville Marjamäki01/04/25 11:16:31
8Aleksi Mansikka-aho01/04/25 11:16:31
9Juhani Rimpeläinen01/04/25 11:16:31
10Janne Kivinen01/04/25 11:31:14
11Tatu Lindberg01/04/25 12:00:12
 Junior ≤ 18 (1)Registered on↓
1Edvard Karhumaa01/04/25 11:16:31


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