
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Linus Engdahl -14F342223334324223233-1450
1Martin Ek -14F342223334243322233-1450
1Tomas Lövkvist -14F342223244244322232-1450
4Christian Hansson -13F242323334333423322-1351
5Martin Qwinten -12F332334334334322232-1252
5Mathias Björck -12F233232244334333332-1252
5Robert Liljeström -12F332333234333423332-1252
8Magnus Rengman -11F332243434334323232-1153
9Johan Larsson -10F232233334333633332-1054
9Johan Stensmar -10F342333235434322233-1054
11Daniel Spogardh -9F352224335334423232-955
11Johan Wiberg -9F343333233353432233-955
11Fredrik Lagergren -9F232323344345334232-955
11Christoffer Hansson -9F643224233334222532-955
11Joel Hansson -9F342322335243533233-955
11Erik Elisson -9F432323236324433233-955
17Johan Kjellberg -8F232233345335432333-856
18Hampus Rosberg -3F443433245434332334-361
19Remsio Qwinten -2F343334255444433332-262
20Anders Wallner -1F343233356335524333-163
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit0%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts0%
Inside bullseye putt0

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The result was updated on: 2017-11-25 15:25:34.

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