

  • Registration start: 05/06/18 08:00 +03:00
  • Registration end: 05/20/18 00:00 +03:00
  • Maximum number of players: 72
  • The number of registered players: 44
GeneralSFL license required;
FP40 Pro Master Women 40+Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
MP40 Pro Master 40+Age >= 40; PDGA membership is active ;
FP50 Pro Master Women 50+Age >= 50; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
MP50 Pro Master 50+Age >= 50; PDGA membership is active ;
MP55 Pro Master 55+Age >= 55; PDGA membership is active ;
MP60 Pro Master 60+Age >= 60; PDGA membership is active ;
MP65 Pro Master 65+Age >= 65; PDGA membership is active ;
MP70 Pro Master 70+Age >= 70; PDGA membership is active ;
MP75 Pro Master 75+Age >= 75; PDGA membership is active ;
MP80 Pro Master 80+Age >= 80; PDGA membership is active ;
FP55 Pro Master Women 55+Age >= 55; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
FP60 Pro Master Women 60+Age >= 60; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
FP65 Pro Master Women 65+Age >= 65; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
FP70 Pro Master Women 70+Age >= 70; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
MA40 Amateur Master 40+Age >= 40; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 40; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 935;
MA50 Amateur Master 50+Age >= 50; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 50; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
MA55 Amateur Master 55+Age >= 55; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 55; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
MA60 Amateur Master 60+Age >= 60; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 60; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 850;
MA65 Amateur Master 65+Age >= 65; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 65; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 850;
MA70 Amateur Master 70+Age >= 70; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 70; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 800;
FA40 Amateur Master Women 40+Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 825;
FA50 Amateur Master Women 50+Age >= 50; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 50; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 775;
FA55 Amateur Master Women 55+Age >= 55; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 55; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 775;
FA60 Amateur Master Women 60+Age >= 60; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 60; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 725;
FA65 Amateur Master Women 65+Age >= 65; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 65; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 725;
FA70 Amateur Master Women 70+Age >= 70; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 70; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating <= 700;

 Pro Master 40+ (5)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Marko Taalikka4890992605/06/18 10:27:35
2Sami Väisänen4812496105/14/18 09:02:36
3Janne Hilden41254865dgh05/07/18 08:33:11
4Pauli Pottonen50026823Puska Puttaajat Ry05/28/18 09:47:20
5Sami Kämäräinen64055864Team Spirit05/28/18 09:47:41
 Pro Master 50+ (2)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Marko Poikola4751587405/12/18 19:16:47
2Marko Timonen36105916Liitokiekkoseura Mustavaris 05/10/18 16:29:06
 Pro Master 55+ (1)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Tero Koivu79880873Puska Puttaajat Ry05/06/18 13:06:26
 Pro Master 60+ (4)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Pentti Miettinen7047478305/06/18 20:56:43
2Ari Salminen82290866FBG Forssa05/06/18 09:01:18
3Seppo Hänninen45200846Oulun Frisbeeseura ry05/06/18 09:15:57
4terho kaipio-sarja104048Puska Puttajat Ry05/22/18 15:11:53
 Pro Master 70+ (2)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Keijo Koskelainen8024977705/06/18 10:49:49
2Jorma Lehtamo84790684Nummelan Frisbeeseura ry05/16/18 12:56:46
 Pro Master 75+ (1)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Olli Harjanne82702NFS05/07/18 22:02:13
 Pro Master Women 65+ (1)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Tuire Leppänen7069176605/06/18 21:08:43
 Amateur Master 40+ (12)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Mika Hunnakko5859584205/06/18 16:22:01
2Tomi Rahikainen8025090505/07/18 13:08:06
3Ilari Pelkonen10825605/18/18 14:29:51
4Paavo Häikiö6113087905/24/18 13:17:33
5Jani Heino90885864DGC FAT DISCS05/06/18 09:36:14
6Petri Hietaharju108129Frisbeegolf Kauhajoki ry05/06/18 09:08:56
7Jarno Rintalahti108149Frisbeegolf Kauhajoki ry05/06/18 10:56:02
8Petri Vehkonen97098845Jyväskylän Liitokiekkoilijat Ry05/11/18 08:37:34
9Jussi Alamommo70699842OFS05/07/18 09:45:02
10Ville Kolari49983881Puska Puttaajat Ry05/06/18 09:37:02
11Pasi Heikkinen93400860Puska puttaajat ry05/09/18 08:15:49
12Matti Rintala47921814Talin Tallaajat ry05/07/18 08:00:35
 Amateur Master 50+ (1)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Janne Jaako59664813OFS05/08/18 12:13:50
 Amateur Master 55+ (3)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Raimo Määttä94252824Karkkilan Frisbeegolf Kerho ry (KFG)05/06/18 09:00:30
2Riku Kaajakari28829875Oulun Frisbeeseura05/07/18 11:12:36
3Heikki Riekki63320864Oulun Frisbeeseura ry05/06/18 09:45:34
 Amateur Master 60+ (2)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Markku Kuparinen8128883705/06/18 09:46:14
2Timo Venäläinen97163713Pieksämäen ohiheittäjät05/15/18 08:20:44
 Amateur Master Women 40+ (2)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Thua Aalto8087105/22/18 10:28:34
2Kirsi Korpimäki91904716Puskaputtaajat 05/07/18 17:37:08
 Amateur Master Women 50+ (3)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Paula Hiironen8057278105/08/18 21:09:02
2Anne Virmajoki653346627k05/18/18 00:55:41
3Tuija Jaako57525762OFS05/08/18 12:08:39
 Amateur Master Women 55+ (3)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClub↓Waiting listPaidConfirmedRegistered on
1Lahja Määttä94253690Karkkilan Frisbeegolf Kerho ry (KFG)05/06/18 09:00:31
2Päivi Riekki80236641Oulun frisbeeseura05/06/18 09:45:10
3Tuija Venäläinen97791683Pieksämäen ohiheittäjät05/16/18 09:58:23