
07/08/18 14:00|Järva Discgolfpark → Yellow 18 - Red tee 10-27|SWEDEN, Stockholms län, Stockholm, Kista

    Sexton Shootout, Stockholm, Järva DiscGolfPark 8.7.2018

    At Sexton Shootout, participants compete with the custom Sexton Shootout discs and before the round all participants get to attend a Nathan Sexton training clinic. The first 72 participants can take part in the event.

    Format of the event

    At Sexton Shootout, every player uses only three disc to play. With the participation fee (400kr), the player receives one Innova driver and one midrange disc, both Sexton Shootout special edition. In addition, the player brings one of his own putters. Only the three discs can be used in the event.

    There are three divisions available in the event: Open, Women Open and Juniors-18.

    Be on time on the event day, onsite registration is open 30 minutes before the start of the clinic.

    Registration & entry fee

    Registration takes place at Disc Golf Metrix and entry fee is paid at the Järva shop. The 400kr entry fee must be paid by 14.00 on July 8th (Cash, card ocr Swish [1234832028]). The participation fee includes a player package, consisting of two Innova discs (driver and midrange) with Sexton Shootout special edition stamp.

    Event Details and Schedule

    • 13.30-14.00 Registration on site
    • Player packs will be distributed upon registration.
    • 14.00 Clinic
    • 14.50 Player meeting.
    • 15.00 18-hole round with shotgun start. (Holes 10-27 - Yellow placement)
    • Prize ceremony after the round.
    • The top three players in each division will receive prizes.
    • Metrix is ​​used as the scoring platform in the event. (Physical score cards are not used in the competition.)