
    1Marko Vesterlund -5F3222232-516
    1Miikka Härö -5F2223232-516
    3Jyri Välimäki -4F2332322-417
    3Mika Packalen -4F2333222-417
    5Kari Toivonen -3F3223233-318
    6Esa Fredriksson -2F2343232-219
    6Mika Haapalainen -2F2233333-219
    6Anne Virmajoki -2F2233333-219
    6Mirko Toivonen -2F2333323-219
    6Ralf Lindblad -2F3333223-219
    6Thua Aalto -2F2333233-219
    6Timo Tuusvuori -2F2333323-219
    13Eikka Hämäläinen-1F3343232-120
    14Kari Laine 0F2233443021
    15Jaana Huovinen+3F2433444+324

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    The result was updated on: 2018-08-24 22:57:56. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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